Winter Weather Guidelines
Winter Weather Guidelines
When winter weather occurs, the safety and well-being of students is our top priority.
It is always our goal to have school in session and we take the decision to close schools very seriously.
How do we make the decision to open or close schools?
When weather conditions are challenging, we make the decision to open or close schools based
on careful consideration of several factors, including:
Data from the National Weather Service with updates regarding temperature, wind chill, and snow/ice accumulation.
Changes to the weather forecast during the course of the school day that indicates if conditions will improve or worsen.
Transportation concerns, including anticipated concerns due to weather changes throughout the school day.
Condition of mechanical systems to ensure electricity and heat are working properly.
Condition of parking lots and sidewalks surrounding school buildings.
Snow removal status and road conditions in the community.
Discussions with surrounding school districts, including Morton District 201 and North Berwyn District 98.
How will families be notified?
Information is posted first on school and district websites, Facebook, and Twitter
Emails/texts/phone calls to parents/guardians
Local television and radio stations
Emergency Closing Center's website
*Please be sure that the school office has updated email and phone contacts
Athletics/Extra-curricular activities
If school is not in session, all athletic and extra-curricular activities, including practices, will be cancelled.
In instances when school is in session and inclement weather is forecasted for after school hours, after
school activities may be cancelled. Parents will be notified as early as possible in these situations.
The Final Decision
Parents/guardians ultimately make the decision if conditions safely allow for their children to attend school.
If school is in session and you decide to keep your child home due to severe weather conditions, it will count
as an excused absence. In this case, please contact the school office by 8:30 a.m. to let them know your
child will not be in attendance.

Emergency Closing Information
Emergency Closing Information
More Ways To Know Before You Go!
Emergency school closing information will be posted on the following services:
School District website:
WGN Radio 720
WBBM News Radio 780
Fox Chicago
Search for the status of District 100 and sign up for personalized E-mail notifications at:
You will need the following information when using the Emergency Closing Center service:
Call: (847) 238-1234 (Touch-Tone phone required)
Facility Name: Dist #100 (South Berwyn Schools)
Facility Location: Berwyn
Main Phone: 708-795-2300