Tutoring with Paper
District 100 is proud to announce our partnership with PAPER, a tutoring program available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all 3rd through 8th grade students. PAPER is a chat-based, on-line tutoring program that provides opportunities for students to receive feedback and support in multiple languages from highly-trained tutors in a variety of content areas. District 100’s partnership with PAPER provides a valuable tool to support continuous learning and growth, and we encourage our 3rd through 8th grade students and families to take advantage of all the program has to offer.
Paper partners with K-12 schools throughout the U.S. and Canada to give every student an equal opportunity to excel academically. Our educational support system (ESS) provides learners with unlimited 24/7 homework help, writing feedback, and study support at a predictable fixed cost. Paper’s specialized tutors deliver on-demand, 1:1 academic support in four languages across more than 200 academic subject areas—so students always have access to expert extra help exactly when, where, and how they need it.
Available for D100 3-8th graders
Live tutors accessible 24/7
Submit writing assignments for review - Essay feedback provided. Written work is reviewed and annotated by an educator to give students rapid writing feedback
Mulitlingual support in Spanish, French, & Mandarin
Reports / data provided to teachers on student interactions
An easy to use App
Use voice to text on the app
Visit paper.co to learn more about Paper's services
Disponible para estudiantes de D100 de 3 a 8 grado
Tutores accesibles, en vivo, 24/7
Se provee comentarios a ensayos - Se proporcionaron comentarios sobre el ensayo. El trabajo escrito es revisado y anotado por un educador para brindar a los estudiantes comentarios rápidos sobre la escritura
Apoyo disponible en español, francés, y mandarín
Reportes / datos acerca de las interacciones de los estudiantes son proveídas a los maestros
Una App fácil de usar
Usar voz a texto en la App
Visite paper.co para obtener más información sobre los servicios de Paper