Transportation Department
Transportation Department
Bus transportation is provided to students who meet the criteria as stipulated in Public School Laws due to distance, hazard roads crossings or student needs. A new form must be completed yearly for all students and whenever a change in transportation is requested. Please complete one form for each student and return it to the school office. If you have any questions contact the transportation department at 708-303-4011.
Transportación escolar se ofrecerá a los estudiantes que cumplan con los requisitos en las Leyes de la Escuela Publica, debido a los caminos de peligro, distancia, cruces o las necesidades de los estudiantes. Llene un formulario nuevo anualmente para cada alumno y cuando haya algún cambio a la solicitud de transporte. Llene un formulario para cada alumno y envíelo(s) a la oficina de su escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor comuníquese con el departamento de transportación al 708-303-4011.
For any questions or information in regard to transportation please contact any of the following below:
Transportation Coordinator:
Victor Tello
Phone: 708-303-4011
Email: vtello@bsd100.org
Assistant to Transportation:
Niva Leal
Phone: 708-303-4005
Email: nleal@bsd100.org
Transportation request forms for the school year
Please submit all forms to the front office at your child’s school.
Click the links below to access these forms:
- English transportation request form
- Spanish transportation request form