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    Registration Registration 2024-2025 TOP OF PAGE If you are registering your child for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year, please contact your home school office. The registration links below are not for the current school year. Please use the buttons below to navigate this page Kindergarten Kindergarten Re gistration 2 0 24 -2025 ​ Click for Kindergarten Registration Flyer English Haga clic para el volante de inscripción para el Kindergarten ​ ​ Retu rning Kindergarten Stude nt Registration Please use the link below if your student attended one of our BSD100 Preschool Programs this year and will be returning next year for Kindergarten. R eturning PreK Student Registration English LINK Inscripción de Estu diantes que Regresan Utilice este enlace si su estudiante asistió a uno de nuestros programas de preescolar o escuelas de BSD100 este año y regresará el próximo año. ENLACE en español para la inscripción de un estudiante de PreK que regresa ​ ​ New Kindergarten Student Registration Please us e the link below to register your child if your student is new to Kindergarten at BSD100. New Kindergarten Student English LINK Inscripción de Estudia ntes Nuevos Por favor use est e enlace para inscribir a su niño/a si su estudiante es nuevo en el BSD100. ENLACE en español para la inscripción de un estudiante nuevo ​ New Preschool Student Registration Prior to completing registration, a preschool screening must be completed and a placement determined by the preschool department. Request a preschool screening by using the link below. Request Preschool Screening LINK Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025 1st-8th Student Registration 2024-2025 School Contact Information Additional Resources Haga clic aquí para ir directamente a opciones de pago. Please click here to go directly to payment options. eFunds - Fee Payment Parent Guide Household Income Form-English Household Income Form-Spanish Current Year Reg Top of Page Returning student registration for 1st-8th grade If your child is currently enrolled in District 100, please complete your registration here. 1st-8th Student Re gistration 2 0 24 -2025 ​ Click for 1-8 grade Student Registration Flyer English Haga clic para ver el folleto de registro de estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado en inglés ​ ​ Returning 1st-8th grade Student Registration Please use the link below if your student attended one of our BSD100 Schools this year and will be returning next year. Returning 1-8 grade Student Registration English LINK Regreso de 1 a 8 grado Inscripción de estudiantes Utilice el siguiente enlace si su estudiante asistió a una de nuestras escuelas BSD100 este año y regresará el próximo año. Regreso de los estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado Inscripción Enlace en inglés ​ ​ New student registration for 1st-8th grade If your child will be new to District 100 in grades 1-8 for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete your registration here. New 1st-8th grade Student Registration Please us e the link below to register your child if your student is new to schools at BSD100. New 1st-8th Grade Student English LINK Inscripción de nuevos estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado Utilice el siguiente enlace para inscribir a su hijo si su hijo es nuevo en las escuelas de BSD100. Nuevo enlace de inglés para estudiantes de 1 a 8 grado School Contact Infomation School Contact In formation F amilies can email their school with questions or send documents by clicking on the links below. ​ Las familias pueden enviar un correo electrónico a su escuela con preguntas o enviar documentos haciendo clic en los enlaces de abajo. Emerson Elementary School Contact Hiawatha Elementary School Contact Irving Elementary School Cont act Pershing Elementary Sch ool Contact Komensky Elementary School Contact Piper Elementary School Contact Heritage Middle School Contact Freedom Middle School Contact ​ ​ Call yo ur home school with any questions. Llama a tu escuela de origen con cualquier consulta. Emerson: 708-795-2322 Hiawatha: 708-795-2327 Irving: 708-795-2334 Pershing: 708-795-2349 Komensky: 708-795-2342 Piper: 708-795-2364 Heritage: 708-749-6110 Freedom: 708-795-5800 ​ Top of Page


    Freedom of Information Act Freedom of Information Act Please click on the link below to access the form in PDF format ​ ​ FOIA 2022-2023


    Upcoming Events ​ Upcoming Events Upcoming Board of Education Meetings ​ July 24, 20 24 Board of Education Meeting Time: 7 PM – 9 PM Location: Heritage Middle School, 6850 W. 31st St., Berwyn, IL 60402 ​ August 28, 2024 Board of Education Meeting Time: 7 PM – 9 PM Location: Heritage Middle School, 6850 W. 31st St., Berwyn, IL 60402 September 18, 2024 Board of Education Meeting Time: 7 PM – 9 PM Location: Heritage Middle School, 6850 W. 31st St., Berwyn, IL 60402 ​ ​


    PowerSchool PowerSchool is a student information system used for attendance, grades, and other student management functions. Parents can create an account to view student attendance (grades K-8) and assignments and scores (grades 6-8). Directions for creating an account (Please note you will need to contact your child’s school to receive your student’s access ID and password) Tour of the PowerSchool Parent Portal Website Tour of the PowerSchool Mobile App (App link iOS Android ) - The District code is TKPC ​


    McKinney-Vento McKinney-Vento ​ Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime abode are eligible for McKinney-Vento services. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, abandoned buildings, and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services. If you think your child may qualify for McKinney-Vento services, please contact the main office at your child's school. ​ District 100 Homeless Liaison Sarah Fies ​ ​ ​ What is McKinney-Ven to? Rights of Homeless Students McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Students Berwyn resources


    Board Member Handbook Board Member Handbook The Berwyn South School District 100 Board of Education understands and appreciates that access to quality public education is not just a constitutional requirement, but also a moral and ethical imperative. Ensuring students have an opportunity to fully maximize their potential is the guiding principle. Accordingly, all students are entitled to a quality educational experience that prepares them to be college and career ready and inspires them to be lifelong learners. This is no easy task. It requires necessary and appropriate leadership from many levels within the organization, including building staff, principals, District 100 administration and the Board of Education. It requires a Board of Education that is both collectively and individually committed to governing as a professional oversight board. This means a dedication to the principles and practices of professional governance, a shared understanding and adherence to board policies and internal protocols, a focus on continuous improvement as an embodiment of a lifelong learner, and a willingness to model effective leadership to students, staff and the community at large. ​ What is effective leadership? There are thousands of books on this subject but here’s a few key points when working on a board: ​ Speak to share your vision, not to wound another Listen to understand, not respond Demonstrate the behavior you expect from others Recognize success and let it be known Motivate, inspire and empower others Take responsibility for your decisions, action or inaction Keep kids at the forefront The purpose of this handbook is to provide a document that will support new and future board members in understanding the role of the Board of Education and the policies and procedures that govern the work. A significant component of new school board member orientation is a thorough understanding of the contents of this book as well as training mandated by the State of Illinois. Education is continuously evolving, as such, updates will continually be made to ensure this handbook is current and relevant. ​ Please click on the link below to view the Board Member Handbook. ​ Board Member Handbook ​ Home Superintendent Board Members Board Goals Agendas and Minutes Board Policy Manual Meetings Dates & Recordings


    Professional Development Professional Development in D100 Berwyn South School District 100 is committed to facilitating ongoing professional learning for its staff. As such, we adhere to the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. These standards guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of professional learning activities in Berwyn South School District 100 as required by the Illinois State Board of Education. "Learning Forward's standards outline the essential elements of and conditions for professional learning that strengthens educator effectiveness and increases student learning. Widespread attention to the standards increases equity of access to high-quality education for every student, not just for those lucky enough to attend schools in more advantaged communities" ( ). Our standards for PD focus on: Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes In addition to participation in professional development opportunities on Institute Days, at after-school workshops, and by attending conferences, Berwyn South School District 100 staff are actively engaging in asynchronous learning options via webinars, Twitter chats, the EdLeadersNetwork, etc. The intended outcome of all Berwyn South School District 100 professional development is to increase educators' practice in order to facilitate successful student learning.


    Language Acquisition Language Acquisition ​ Welcome to the Department of Language Acquisition ​ As the department director, I am here to answer any question you may have regarding our language programs. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about what our programs offer. ​ Bienvenido al Departamento de Adquisición de Lenguaje Como directora del departamento estoy aquí para responder a cualquier pregunta que tenga acerca de nuestros programas de lenguaje. Siéntase libre de ponerse en contacto conmigo si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre lo que ofrecen nuestros programas. ​ Jeanette Briseño Director of Language Acquisition Directora de Adquisición de Lenguaje 708-303-4021 ​ Theresa Adelphia Biliteracy Coordinator 708.303.4045 ​ Christina Diaz Biliteracy Coach 708.303.4043 ​ Ivonne Weber Administrative Assistant 708.303.4026 VISION Students in the department of language acquisition will become bilingual, bi-literate, bicultural, and be high academic achievers by the time they graduate from 8th grade. ​ OUR MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the language services department is to empower and instill pride in children’s bilingual, bi-literate, and bicultural identity in order for them to be successful global citizens who will be college and career ready. We commit to redefining bilingual education through the use of an additive model that includes the integration of effective biliteracy and bicultural practices that embrace the whole child. ​ VISIÓN Los estudiantes en el departamento de adquisición del idioma se convertirán en estudiantes bilingües, biliterales, biculturales y tendrán alto rendimiento académico cuando se gradúen del 8vo grado. NUESTRA MISION La misión del departamento de servicios de idiomas es capacitar e inculcar orgullo en el bilingüismo y la iliteraria de los niños, y su identidad bicultural con el fin de que sean ciudadanos globales exitosos que estarán preparados con habilidades para funcionar en la universidad y en una carrera. Nos comprometemos a la redefinición de la educación bilingüe a través del uso de un modelo aditivo que incluye la integración de las prácticas de alfabetización bilingüe y bicultural eficaces que abarcan al niño en su totalidad. ​ DUAL LANGUAGE INFORMATIONAL F LYER ENGLISH & SPANISH LANGUAGE LEARNER INFORMATION RESOURCES ASSESSMENT BPAC DUAL LANGUAGE ALLOCATION STRUCTURE Dual Language Programming - Programación del lenguaje dual


    Welcome Parents/Guardians To Berwyn South School District 100's Preschool Program Berwyn South School District 100 provides preschool programming for children from ages 3 to 5 year olds. ​ Mission Statement: Berwyn South School District 100's Preschool Program aims to provide positive, appropriate, learning opportunities for all children. ​ We believe in: * Developmentally appropriate play-based learning environment * Providing a child-centered, nurturing, and safe environment * Collaborating between families, staff, and community partners * Including and adapting lessons to meet the individual needs of children All children are required to complete a screening evaluation to determine eligibility prior to preschool enrollment. ​ For additional information please contact: Amanda Thompson Director of Early Learning Email: ​ Elias Salgado Administrative Assistant for the Pres chool Program Email: Phone: 708-303-4040 ​ Virtual Screening Information Virtual Screening Info Spanish Preschool Screenings Parent Resources Preschool Staff & Locations

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